Tuesday, January 30, 2007

HUN Update, January 12, 2007

Hey HUN!

For those of you who are either newly joined or don't remember my little joke a couple e-mails away, you, the receivers of this e-mail, are referred to as HUN (Haitian Update Network). Why? Because it's easy, short, and injects a small measure of silliness into our lives (and we need it, don't we?). I trust you are all doing splendidly. If perchance I have misplaced my trust, by all means send me an e-mail. I am not there in body, but I am more than happy to be there for you... electronically. For what its worth.

Things here are progressing swimmingly. I won't deny that there has been the occasional mishap--for instance, I haven't taken too easily to waking up every morning at six, since that is about the time I was accustomed to going to bed--but by and large things are quite excellent. Today, I will be converting the church computers into a domain-based network, which will be a bit of a challenge since the donated equipment that is being used varies incredibly in age and capability. Thankfully, I have yet to come across anything older than a 486DX, but I'm still wary.

Yesterday, I helped install some wiring in the church sanctuary. Actually, to be honest, the extent of my contribution was to hand the hammers and drills up the ladder to the ones that actually knew what they were doing. Still, we got to converse (mostly in Spanish, since it was our only overlapping language), and I always value my opportunities to meet new people. The Haitians are a wonderful people. There's something marvelously endearing about their honest answers and open passion. One man I met spoke rapturously about how his daughter would "touch his face" and "put her head on his stomach." I had never realized before that how terribly vulnerable one is when one admits to being happy.

One of the major purposes of this update is to affirm, consolidate, and add to existing contact information. So here it is:

Phone Number: 011-509-617-7720
Address for Letters: Pastor Jean Petit-Frere, P.O. Box 407139, Ft. Lauderdale, Fl, 33340
Address for Packages: Pastor Jean Petit-Frere, 2525 NW 55 Court, Hangar #24, Ft. Lauderdale, Fl, 33340

Important: Remember to address it to Paster Jean Petit-Frere and put "Attn: Dan" on the back of the envelope or package. Thanks!

God bless you all,


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